Hacham Moshe Bishi Maimon

A Short Tribute

Hacham Moshe Bishi Maimon was born to Shuycha and Hacham Yitzhak in Gabès, Tunisia.

He was Hacham Abraham Alush's student and had his book Divrei Brit published. His friends and colleagues in Torah study were Hacham Fradji Alush, Hacham Yitzhal Bokhobza and Hacham Fradji Damari.


Hacham Moshe Bishi Maimon married Zimrara, and the couple had 11 children; one of their sons was murdered during his father's lifetime. During the period that he was Rabbi of Gabès, his first wife died and he was remarried, to Rachek Bakhla. The couple had two children, who were adopted by Hacham Haim Houri after Hacham Moshe Bishi Maimon died.


Hacham Moshe Bishi Maimon served the Gabès community as dayan, halakhic adjudicator, preacher, and cantor. He passed away on 11 Tammuz 5688 (1927) and was buried in Gabès. His remains were brought to Israel after its founding and buried in Beersheba.


Some of Hacham Moshe Bishi Maimon writing were published during his lifetime and some posthumously, by his son and students. His books include Divrei Moshe, Hamilu'im Le'Moshe – original Torah commentary and sermons, Yashir Moshe – a commentary on the Book of Psalms.

A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Traditions of the Fathers' in which he explains Moses' merit for having privileged others with merit
The Tanah was accurate in saying "Moses gained merit and privileged others with merit – the privilege of many others depended on him". He was not one of those about whom one could say 'his only merit is Torah'; he privileged the multitude with Torah, and toiled with them in their learning towards their gaining merit, and the merit of a multitude of others depended on him…in keeping with RASHI's interpretation of the verse " These are the rules that you shall set before them" – The Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses: "It would not occur to you to say, I will teach them the chapter and halakha two or three times, until they become fluent yet will not trouble myself to explain the reason and interpretation of the issue. It therefore says, "…that you will set before them" – like a table set and ready before a person.
HaMiluim Le'Moshe, p. 163, Djerba, 1932