חכם דוד צבאח

A Short Tribute

חכם דוד צבאח נולד לאמו מירא ולאביו בעיר מרקש שבמרוקו.
הוא היה תלמידם של חכמי עירו, חכם שלמה אסבאג וחכם מוסא בן דוד אוחיון. 
בשנת תקצ"ד (1833), לאחר פטירתו של חכם אברהם פינטו, התמנה לרב הראשי של מראקש וסביבותיה.  
חכם דוד צבאח נלקח לבית עולמו בליל יום הכיפורים, י' בתשרי שנת תרי"ח (1858) 
חכם דוד צבאח חיבר חיבורים רבים, רובם אבדו. בין ספריו שנדפסו: 'משכיל לדוד' - חידושים על התנ"ך, הש"ס, דרשות ועוד, 'מורה צדק' - קונטרסים, 'שו"ת וחידושי רבי דוד צבאח ובית דינו'.
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Torah Study' in which he interprets “A Woman of Valor” in terms of the obligation to wear tzitzit [ritual fringed garment] which she undertakes of her own desire and will

“She seeks wool and flax, and works willingly with her hands”. This means to say that this woman, a woman of valor, is stringent in the demands she makes on herself by wearing tzitzit. She bases herself on a reasoning linked to (the Torah prohibition of) wearing sha’atnez (garments made of both wool and linen)… She seeks the reason for the adjacency of 'wool and flax', implying the wearing of sha’atnez, from which she concludes that she is obligated to wearing tzitzit, as follows from the issue raised by the Tosephot commentary. That is what is referred to by “wool and flax, and works…” - that specific item which is permitted to make out of wool and flax - tzitzit as they, of blessed memory, wrote. “…and works” – she fashioned and wore tzitzit; “…willingly with her hands” – in that she is not obligated by our Sages, of blessed memory, but does so of her own will and desire.

Maskil Ledavid – Original Commentary, p. 210, Pi Yesharim Institute, Jerusalem 2006