Hacham Yitzhak Salah Machmal

< Nisan 5784 May 2024 >
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Tzedakah and Healing'
in which he indicates the Talmud Torah's principal charity needs, required for its pupils' minds and bodies

The Talmud Torah is our major and most important cause for charity, since it cares for both the mind and the body. It cares for abandoned children and trains them in wisdom and in the sciences, and I therefore preach publicly about it, especially about the great and worthy achievements of its directors, who had this large building constructed. The institution had existed for many years and when the number of children eventually increased, they took the decision to house it in a large building to meet the new needs. It is a joy for all those who behold it, and provides food and drink, as well as clothing, for impoverished children. Pity and compassion cannot but arise in the hearts of the people of all our communities, near and far. They should continue to give donations for the benefit of this place, in order to raise and educate the children in religion and in resourcefulness, so that they become adults who find favor and approbation in the eyes of God and man.

Davar Be'ito, sermon for the distribution of gifts for excelling pupils, p. 309, Babylonian Jewry Research Institute Press, Or Yehuda, 2001
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