Hacham Eliyahu Yitzhak Hazan

< Nisan 5784 May 2024 >
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Redemption of Israel'
in which he strengthens having faith and instructs to not be weak of heart but to pray for mercy, even when one is left unanswered
Psalms 27: "Look to the LORD; be strong and of good courage! O look to the LORD!" Question. Having said Look to the LORD', why does he go on to say 'O look to the LORD'? Once would suffice, it being known that His mercy is great, as has been said: "The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him" - He who waits for Him will be fully blessed, goodness will not be withheld from those who are wholehearted, why is repetition necessary? Inform us, and be recompensed by heaven.
The verse repeats a second and third times so as to instruct us in strengthening our faith in God. Should a person be in distress, may this not occur, and request God's mercy yet remain unanswered, he should not be weak of heart and avoid requesting mercy again, but should return, a second and third time, and ask for God's mercy, and place his faith in God above…
This verse also teaches about the redemption, may it arrive speedily in our day amen, that even after the exile's length we will at long last be remembered before Him, blessed be He, who will hasten the redemption in our day amen, as He promised us in our holy Torah: "then the LORD your God will restore your fortunes and take you back in love ", and several powerful promises by his servants, the prophets. Our faith in G-d, blessed be He, remains strong, and He will fulfill his promise and redeem us to eternal redemption speedily in our days, amen.
Yad Eliyahu, Part A, question 66, p. 84a – 84b, Zion Press, Jerusalem, 1930
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