Hacham Moshe Alshich Hakadosh

< Nisan 5784 May 2024 >
A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Torah Study'
in which he teaches that one's grasp of Torah is one's "tikun" and passion

Some have a passion for Torah, some for justice and some for charity; it is likewise for all commandments. There are differences also among those who learn Torah: Some have a passion for Torah, some for Mishna, some for Talmud, some for the Aggada and some for the Merkava. In what does each differ from the other? We know the following from our teachers, of blessed memory: All souls that are to reach this world unto the end of generations were present at Mount Sinai. Each and every soul of the nation of Israel has its own grasp of Torah, one from the aspect of a certain commandment, one from another, and this logic applies to them all. For each one of them, this is what provides their tikun (repair) and their place in the World-to-Come… the Tanah means to say: It is not difficult for any person to obtain the World-to-Come; just as a city appears to have many, innumerable paths, each one will lead to it. Thus it is with a righteous person, whatever the person grasps will lead them to the World-to-Come, each one according to their spirit's penchant, and according to what arouses their passion in this world, which leads to their place in the World-to-Come.

Yarim Moshe on Tractate Avot, p. 15 – 16, Wagschell Publishing, Jerusalem, 2012
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