Hacham Avraham Meyuhas
< Kislev 5792 December 2031 >

A Short Tribute

Hacham Avraham Meyuhas was born to Rachel and Hacham Shmuel in 1718, in Jerusalem. His father died when he was two years old. He was raised by his grandfather, Hacham Moshe Meyuhas, a community elder, and supported by his uncle, Hacham Moshe Bechar Meyuhas. He learned Torah from Hacham Israel Meir Mizrachi and studied at the Beit Yaacov yeshiva founded by Hacham Yaacov Ferera.

Hacham Abraham Meyuhas married Jamilla, Hacham Tuvia HaCohen's daughter. They had three sons, all of whom became Torah scholars: Hacham Yitzhak Shmuel, Hacham Yosef Yaakov, and Hacham Binyamin Moshe.

Hacham Avraham Meyuhas lived an ascetic life, suffered poverty and tribulations but did not withhold a single hour from his time in the study house. At the age of forty, however, he lost his sight and could no longer maintain his pace of study.

Hacham Avraham Meyuhas passed away on 29 Kislev, 5528 (1768) and was buried on the Mount of Olives. He authored five works: Sadeh Ha'aretz, in three volumes that contains sermons on the Torah and original commentary on the Talmud, Maimonides' Mishneh Torah and Hator; Diglei Ahava and Ruach HaSadeh – a commentary on HAARI's book, Derech Etz HaHaim; HaMa'or Hakatan – on Rabbi Haim Vital's book, Etz HaHaim and Siach Sadeh – on the Sefer HaKavanoth.

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