Hacham Reuben Ben David
Hacham Sliman David Sasson
< Sivan 5788 June 2028 >

A Short Tribute

Hacham Reuben Ben David was born to Rachel and Simon in 1923, in Morocco. He was raised in Hacham Abuhatziera’s home (the Baba Sali) and learned Torah from him.

As a young man, he isolated himself in the yeshiva located on the upper floor of his home and studied Torah day and night. He wrote many original commentaries, which he eventually had published.

Hacham Reuben Ben David officiated as dayan and halakhic instructor in the city of Banhmad and later also taught in the Otzar HaTorah institutions with Hacham Raphael Abo.

In 1956 Hacham Reuben Ben David immigrated to Israel with his family and settled in Ashkelon. He refused to take on a rabbinic position and earned a modest livelihood as a manual laborer.


Hacham Reuben Ben David passed away on 7 Sivan 5735 (1975). He wrote a great number of books, only a few of which were published during his lifetime; his children had most of his books published after his decease.

A partial list of Hacham Reuben Ben David’s books: Oz Ve’Hadar, Nefesh Tov,  Kol Mevasser, Meshiv Davar – responsa, Milta B’Ta’ama, Igeret HaMussar, ‘Arba Bimsara, Beni Reuven, Galei Razia, Ilan HaKadosh.

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