A few quotes from the Rabbi on 'Torah Study'
in which he explains "increase peace in the world" in that they teach Aggadah to the public
Torah study through Agadah [non-halachic rabbinic lore] has the power of pardoning all transgressions of Israel, and if one adds a kaddish to the Aggadah, even if an adverse sentence has been pronounced for him, the Holy One, Blessed be He, pardons all his sins. This is why it says "And all your children shall be taught of the LORD", meaning to say – If your children will all learn Aggadah and recite the kaddish – which is praise for God – then "great shall be the peace of your children": They will have much peace and even if an adverse sentence has been pronounced for them, it will be annulled.
Chaim ad Ha'Olam, Tractate Berachot conclusion, p. 6-7, Moriah Press, Jerusalem, 1921