in which he teaches that the End of Days is not revealed so as to strengthen the heart of the nation who knows of the duration of the exile
“I await Your salvation, LORD”. Our father Jacob, may he rest in peace, sought to reveal the End of Days and the Shechina left him. This is why this subject is closed – to inform us of the reason that the Shechina left, for it is known that great damage will ensue from knowing of the End of Days, for the preceding generations, knowing that the redemption will not take place during their lifetimes, will not seek out the LORD to pray for redemption… It is just that God does so, in order to strengthen the heart of the nation who knows of the duration of exile. They should truly know that this knowledge is not determinate, and the blessed LORD can hasten redemption, and forgo the end of days because of merit, such as charity and justice.
Pnei Yoseph, VaYehi Reading Portion, p. 60b, Izmir, 1880